Tuesday, May 31, 2016

This is a photo of the queen of a young ant colony of the species Atta Cepholotes.  This was found by Professor Pinto who dug it up in front of the students to teach them how to find the queen of an Atta colony.  Each colony only has one queen.  This particular queen was part of a relatively new ant colony.  As you can see, the queen was found in her fungus garden.  The queens of new ant colonies are easier to find because young ant colonies have few chambers.  The older ant colonies can have up to 500 chambers with 5 million ants.  Finding the queen in these chambers is very difficult as you can imagine.  After students watched Professor Pinto extract the queen of a young ant colony, they got in groups, and found other ant colonies.  Each group searched for a queen and most students were able to find a queen.  Some students were unable to find the queen because her colony was too big. 

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